
PL.20.3519.FA Challens New House

PL183946FA Challen’s Chick Farm appeal


Housing numbersconsult


PL201439FA RiverClose
APPROVED (modified)

PL.20.1957.FA 1 StockwellsHTS

PL200746FA Challens Chicks
Additional comment

PL.20.0746.FA Challens

PL.19.4152.FA 1 Stockwells

PL.19.4137.EU Cliveden Stud House

Thamesbank PL/19/3852/FA
APPROVED (modified)

Weir car park closure PL/19/1312/FA

Planning breaches at Cliveden Stud

EE pylon on A4 PL191020RM
Intrusive and ugly Objection failed

1 Stockwells PL/19/0620/FA 
New build intrusive on Berry Hill

Cliveden Stud House PL/19/0774/EU
Attempt to overthrow equestrian planning restrictions

Old Boathouse housing development PL/19/0027/FA
No provision for boating
Submission revised

Pub on Mill Lane PL/18/4641/FA
We are supportive but request a Condition for public access.

Care Home ref: 18/00507/FUL
Green Belt
REJECTED – gone to appeal

Ellington Gardens ref:18/00456/FUL
Overdevelopment in a Conservation Area
WITHDRAWN but re-siting of the single house approved

Dunloe Lodge ref: 18/00317/FUL
Overdevelopment against SPD

Silchester Manor ref: 17/02240/FUL
Loss of a historic building and overdevelopment
Objection at: 18.01.18 Silchester Manor

Challens Chicks ref: 17/02314
Application for temporary accommodation that we say should be assessed on a permanent basis and also not needed.
Objection at: 18.01.18 Challens Chicks

1 Stockwells ref: 17/02301/GPDE
Not an objection as such but a comment that work on the Berry Hill bank should be completed.
Our comment at: 18.01.08Stockwells

Cliveden Stud release from covenants Refs:  SBD/112/82,  ER/1466/68, ER/1755/71
The applications are aimed at removing the tied agricultural worker restrictions on houses on the site.
our objection is at: 17.12.13 Cliveden Stud

The Old Boathouse conversion to residential Ref: 17/01142/JNOT
We were significant contributors to the development of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that was agreed with SBDC in public consultations to guide the future of the land between the Thames and the Jubilee north of the A4 (The Mill Lane site).
The SPD recognised the long history of this riverbank (a hive of river-related industry and employment for centuries) by requiring a mixed development of the various former mill holdings along Mill Lane for not only housing but employment opportunities. This requirement was coupled with a strong statement of the acceptable levels of residential dwellings suitable for the whole site. Earlier proposals had been for high levels of housing but the SPD and subsequent applications approvals fixed this acceptable level at 211 additional dwellings. These application approvals also included requirements for additional commercial operations in support of employment in Taplow and on the river in particular.
This current application is in direct contradiction of the SPD and the assumptions behind the planning approvals given to Berkeley Homes. The approval of 211 dwellings reflected the capacity of the entire site, taking into account the riverbank location, the Green Belt siting,  traffic access to the over-capacity A4 and environmental considerations. Further residential growth is clearly in contravention of these agreed considerations.
Loss of these commercial premises would again be in direct contradiction to the SPD and subsequent planning permissions. The SPD is very clear on the importance of the mixed use on the site, supporting river facing activities and Taplow employment. Further conversion to residential use would also be further urbanisation of the Thames banks, with loss of boat amenities that are becoming scarcer.
The application must be rejected. SBDC must be seen to be upholding its own publicly agreed policies for this site.
OBJECTION FAILED but application subsequently withdrawn. New application submitted January 2019.

Boathouse at Mill Lane Ref: 17/01159/FUL
We raises a concern with this application. The refurbishing of the slipway and building of the boathouse takes place directly on the edge of the River Thames. There is sig


nificant risk of damage to the biodiversity of the Thames caused by building debris and liquids spilling into the river during construction. The northern section of the Thames opposite Mill Lane has delicate mussel beds and fish nurseries that are very sensitive to pollution.
We request that the terms on which permission may be given include significant protection controls to prevent such harm.

Hitchambury Farm Ref: 17/00727/COND Construction Access Statement
Access along this narrow mostly single track lane for heavy construction lorries is unacceptable. It is used by horses and taking children to school and playgroup. It is signposted as unsuitable for lorries and their presence will generate road rage and place pedestrians and cyclists at serious risk.
We point out that the appeal process through which the basic development was permitted had a clear expectation that alternative access was possible, which is why the Construction Access Statement was mandated. To ignore this and simply look to access via Hitcham Lane is unacceptable. The application must be refused until safe access is agreed.

Lattice Cottage River Road Taplow Buckinghamshire SL6 0BG
“Detached dwellinghouse with vehicular access and associated parking area.”
Ref. No: 16/01976/OUT | Received: Wed 26 Oct 2016 | Validated: Wed 26 Oct 2016
We object to this application. The site is in Strategic Flood Risk Areas 2 and 3a (becoming 3b). It will fail to meet the Sequential Test of the NPPF and is contrary to CP13 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy OBJECTION UPHELD

Land Adjacent To, 5 Ellington Gardens, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, SL6 0AY  16/01678/FUL
An earlier objection to this application for an infill house was successful but has been overturned on appeal