Archived Page

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For up-to-date information please follow the link to the current and rather beautiful HTS website

Hitcham and Taplow Society

Newsletter 106

The Society was formed in 1959 to protect Hitcham, Taplow, and the surrounding area from bad development and neglect.

Main activities:

Latest News

Local Plan news

The indication from the agenda for an SBDC meeting is that the large Green Belt loss projected for Taplow is to be dropped if approved at the meeting.

Mill Lane

The Road Closure Order was issued 16th September (details at Objections to Mrs P Eastham ( by October 7th.

Neighbourhood Plan

SBDC has approved the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Taplow Parish.

Mill Lane

The Roundabout Construction on the Bath Road has been completed

Spring Newsletter

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Changes to bus times / routes

The 63 / 68 bus routes serving Taplow are changing. See Changing bus services

Sir Terry Wogan

We are saddened to record the death of Sir Terry Wogan, long time Taplow resident and member of this Society. Our thoughts are with his family

Parish Election

On 21st January 2016 Yannick Stephane Le Touze was elected to the Parish Council

Emerging Local Plan

The New Local Plan has opened a public consultation. Our own take on this is at - Taplow Elements


The building of Crossrail is now very active in the Taplow area, with night-time noise prevalent. Crossrail has released impressions for the Brunel Bridge pylon impressions


The website provides a forum for everyone interested in the area to air their views on relevant issues. Feel free to create a page and have your say, but please keep the content relevant, legal, and polite, OK?